Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

back to it

Let's see, for some reason I stopped posting in January. I kept working out until April I don't know what's up with that. In April I fractured my tibia at a Jiu Jitsu tournament and was out of commission for 12 weeks.
But I'm back now. Finally. I started back about a month ago actually, but that was just the once a week jiu jitsu class so nothing major.

Alright, so now officially getting back to it and tracking my progress again.

In that vain...

Today I walked/ran 2.29 miles in 45minutes. Poor poor pace I know, but it's a start getting back into it after the knee injury.
Then I did 10min on the stairmaster. Not my favorite but it's good for the knee.
Finished with upper body, 5x5 at 95lb for all 3 of the benches, reg incline recline.

And I'm out. Be back soon.