Thursday, September 30, 2010

Basic 3

Basic 3, easy enough. It's the running that is holding me back at this point. I'll have to mix it up to fix that.

Then Deadlifts, should have been 5x5 incremental...don't know what you'd actually call that, but I started at 90, then did 100 110 and 120. Stopped at 4 sets.

Then Calf Presses, 5x5 incremental. Started at 45, finished at 105.
Then Bench, 5x5 at 100
Then Leg Presses, 3x12 at 90, and that last set was a doozy. My heart was racing like crazy afterwards.

Good workout though. I head back tomorrow. Least...that's the plan.
Oh, and I've added fiber pills to my diet. I'm averaging something like 20% of my daily intake without them.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Mixed it up a bit.
Just walking the treadmill, 2.5mph, 10degree incline.

250cal in 35min.

Not too shabby.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Basic 3


Running and biking just over level 3, but not level 4
Situps, two sets of 10, so that's level 4

Decline Bench 5x5 at 90#
Then I guess an overload hang press? I started at 40# and did 5 reps each of 40/35/30/35/20
The 20 was actually difficult to lift. Craziness.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Off - Michigan Weekend

3 days in Michigan...I did do a ton of walking though.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Basic 3


Biking was at level 8 today, resting level 3.
Also, situps were one set of 10, and then a set of 5.

Aaand today I did:
.3mile run/.75 biking/3 pullups/3 dips/3 sets of situps/3 squats
Incline Bench 5x5 at 90#
Iso lateral high row 5x5 at 90# *failed on last set, only did 3

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Off - Vancouver Weekend

4 days off spent in the lovely city of Vancouver. Good times.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Basic 2

So the basic plan is that I do better than the time before...or at least as well as the time before, never worse.

Biking was at level 8 today.

Aaand today I did:
.2mile run/.50 biking/2 pullups/2 dips/2 sets of situps/2 squats

Also regular bench. 5x5 at 90#


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Holy Crap!

I am an out of shape lardass. needs caps...LARDASS.
Possibly bold too...LARDASS!
There, with an exclamation mark even...that's what it needed.

This is a cut and paste from May 4th.
That's 4 months ago and I've only gained weight because I haven't been doing jack shit.
So sad, so sad. *shakes head at himself*

So tonight I get started again. I'll be posting my weight here as well, though I do currently plan on trying to track that at traineo. Also, I should do total calories burned I think. We'll see.
I really have to do something though. My self perception is bad right now. I have little to no confidence in my appearance, and while that isn't by any means all of my self's still kind of a big deal. on to the cut and paste.
Well mostly, I'll be adding a few things over the next few workouts. There just wasn't enough in this one. I want something akin to the 300 workout eventually. We'll see what I can do.

So the basic plan is that I do better than the time before...or at least as well as the time before, never worse.


Running will be in tenth of a mile increments.
Biking, quarter mile. (I did resistance 5 tonight but will definitely up it as that wasn't very difficult)
Pullups, Dips, and squats, one rep increments.
Squats for now will be done with an empty bar. When I get to 10 I'll split out to empty squats no bar, and then weighted sets of 10, posting the weight.
Situps will be done in 5 rep increments until I finally hit a wall, then I'll back down to one each I guess...maybe two, we'll see.
Oh, and situps are done one set of the full reps regularly, then one set for the left side, and one set the right side. So when it says 1 set , I've actually done 15 total situps, 1 set of 5 for each position.

Aaand today I did:
.1mile run/.25 biking/1 pullup/1 dip/1 set of situps/1 squat

Weight will be posted in the far right so...