Thursday, September 30, 2010

Basic 3

Basic 3, easy enough. It's the running that is holding me back at this point. I'll have to mix it up to fix that.

Then Deadlifts, should have been 5x5 incremental...don't know what you'd actually call that, but I started at 90, then did 100 110 and 120. Stopped at 4 sets.

Then Calf Presses, 5x5 incremental. Started at 45, finished at 105.
Then Bench, 5x5 at 100
Then Leg Presses, 3x12 at 90, and that last set was a doozy. My heart was racing like crazy afterwards.

Good workout though. I head back tomorrow. Least...that's the plan.
Oh, and I've added fiber pills to my diet. I'm averaging something like 20% of my daily intake without them.


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