Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Shoulder Press

I ran myself out, which is sad. Rather than stick to any kind of pace, I just ran 5min straight as fast as I could. Normally I'd stick to 20min of running minimum, but today, after 12...I just had no gas left. I know it's because of that 5 at the start, but...eh.
I don't know. I feel good about doing the 5, but I'll go back to the c25k now. I need the structure I think to keep with it and not burn out too quickly.
I really want a runners body.

Erm...the hot ones. heh

Then the warm up...and then the WOD:
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

I did them with dumbells instead of the bar. Weights posted are combined weight, not each dumbell separately.

I did quite a few other things as well...all focused on shoulders, but I can't remember and really...I was just trying to stay in the gym as long as possible and not kill myself.

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