Monday, September 1, 2008

Muscle ups

I can't do them. But first...the run.
Week 4 of C25K - Run 3min/walk 1.5min, 5/2.5, 3/1.5, then just run 5 to finish.
I didn't think I could do it.
Somehow I did.

So how was my time?
Damn good.
All that running drastically reduced my mile time.
12min 43sec/mile (pr)

Then the WOD:
30 Muscle-ups for time
Post time to comments.
If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.

I can't do a muscle up as mentioned above but I can't do more than one pullup unassisted either. So, on the assist machine, sets of 10.
20pullups/80#assist, 10/90, 10/100, 10/110, 10/120
After each round of 10 I'd do a set of dips at the same setting.
So 60 of each.
Not what I wanted, but not bad either.
I was interrupted halfway through. I left the machine to get water and someone took it over. My mistake for leaving the machine. Otherwise I had planned on doing the full 120.
Oh, and time...20min for all of that.
I know, I suck.
I am getting better though.

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