Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lunges and swings

I decided against the run this time. I haven't looked up c25k again and I just wanted to do something different. So, I tried the eliptical.
It's a bitch.
I really didn't want to be bouncing up and down for forever...but the only way to avoid that was to semi crouch down, in which case neither leg ever gets a rest period, and then really...the easiest way to maintain the crouch was only if I was moving at a running pace.
So it was total hell. My hamstrings and glutes were screaming after only 5 minutes and I was sweating a storm.
So I got off and rode a bike for 20 minutes before deciding to try the rowing machine.
5 minutes later I am sore and tired.
I pull my feet out of the stirrups, look up, and realize I've been rowing at the highest resistance...10...good times.

I guess it was a good cardio workout. It felt like it was anyway. The bike was a cardio setting...and other than the fact that it kept asking for my made me work hard and was definitely a good workout. I'm happy about it.

Then the warmup.
Then the WOD:
Five rounds for time of:
50 pound dumbbell, walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
50 pound dumbbell, swing, 15 reps

I did the lunge with 25# in each hand. I count that as 50 total. Don't know if that's right...but it's what I did.
Then I did the dumbbell swing, 50#, 10 reps.
Then I added 10 pullups on the assist machine with 100# assist.

Took me 27 minutes.

Then I did a 5x5 set of recline bench. 95-115-125-125-125
Then a round of back exercises...around 105 or 115 for each, but I'm not sure exactly.
My neck felt sore and pulled all night. It sucked. But I took an advil and everything was good the next day.

That's all really, other than I'm finally starting to feel like I look good. I'm getting confidence again. If I can just trim another 10# of fat off I'd have a damn good six pack.
It's all about focus.
I keep telling myself that.

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